Jaunumi Sacensību kalendārs Fotogalerijas Šautuves Informējoši dokumenti Šaušanas sportisti SASA Reitingi Latvijas Rekordi Partneri SASA atbalstītāji Arhīvs Kontakti

Lietuvas Šaušanas sporta savienība ielūdz uz 2011.gada Žalgiris Grand Prix izcīņu no 1. - 3. jūlijam Viļņā


Dear shooting friends,
Lithuanian Shooting Sport Union and the Organizing Committee are pleased to invite you to participate in the 14th Zalgiris Grand Prix 2011, which will take place at the Vilnius Shooting Range (S.Batoro st. 90 A) from July 1 till 3, 2011 in Vilnius / Lithuania.


We hope that all the Member Associations / Federations will join us to make this event successful.
Enclosed please find the General Information.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Vilnius


Yours sincerely,
Vaida Gulbinskiene
Secretary General


Lithuanian Shooting Sport Union
Žemaitės 6, LT-03117 Vilnius
Tel./Fax +370 5 213 3447
Mob. +370 6 1215138
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.shooting.lt

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