Jaunumi Sacensību kalendārs Fotogalerijas Šautuves Informējoši dokumenti Šaušanas sportisti SASA Reitingi Latvijas Rekordi Partneri SASA atbalstītāji Arhīvs Kontakti

Ielūgums uz Somijas kausa izcīņu junioriem 2013.gada 21.-25,jūnijā


You are invited to the fifth International Junior Shotgun Cup Finland 21.-26. June 2013.

This is the second competition in this year junior shotgun cup series Suhl Germany - Orimattila Finland - Porpetto Italy.

Additional information can be found on the competition web site at www.osu.fi
We wish you welcome to Finland and to the IJCS 2013 Finland competition

With best regards

Curt Sjöblom
IJSC2013 Finland Gen. Sec.
Board Member, Finnish Shooting Sport Federation
[email protected]
+358 40 5275051 phone

